Logistics and services

National and international gateway for key inputs in the country

With 11 Private Use Terminals (PUTs), which represent 30% of the state, Port of Açu is a national and international gateway for key inputs in the country, with access to low traffic highways, capacity for cabotage and strategic vocation for handling different types of project cargo, including heavy equipment for industry.

Through its Multicargo Terminal (T-MULT), it operates with flexibility in storage and offers customized logistics solutions for customers. With 48 customers and 16 products, T-MULT has achieved 45% average annual growth, with a total of 7.8MMtons handled from 2016 to 2023, in addition to expansion plans for the construction of customized yards and new dedicated warehouses for storage.

Açu’s logistics and services chain also offers:

The largest offshore support base in the world: 250+ operations per month at 11 operational berths

Modern subsea cluster for subsea construction and inspection, including 2 flexible lines and 1 rigid pipeline factories owned by leading companies in their sectors

Private terminal for the supply of marine fuels

Ship maintenance and repair, construction and assembly services, offshore unit hibernation, subsea operation support and decommissioning

Integrated logistics solution for passengers, cargo and offshore support

Logistics condominium under development to meet the demand of suppliers and sub-suppliers from different industries

Learn more about Prumo’s companies in this segment: